5 Tips on Avoiding Foreclosure

5 Tips on Avoiding Foreclosure

One of the most dreaded words that can come to the mind of a home owner: foreclosure. It’s a hard thing for us to talk about, because no one ever wants to lose their home and no one wants to have to take your house. Are you receiving notices from your lender asking you to...

Tribally Designated Housing Entity

Tribally Designated Housing Entity

  With the introduction of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and ONAP (Office of Native American Programs), tribes were now able, since they are sovereign nations, to be direct recipients of federal funding from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. These tribes decided to designate an entity to administer its housing...

Types of Native American Lands

Types of Native American Lands

There are only three types of reserved federal land in the United States, military, public, and Native American. During the late 1700’s and early 1800’s, the United States government made a series of treaties with individual Native American nations that are indigenous to the area. These ‘contracts among nations’ recognized and established unique rights, titles,...

HUD 184 and the Application Process

HUD 184 and the Application Process

Tribal loans grant Native American tribes the power to improve the living conditions of their lands. They can build, buy, and renovate homes on and off the reservation. The ability to acquire the loans necessary to improve the native lives is a recent advancement. The  lands held in trust by the United States government and...

Native American Trust Lands Explained

Native American Trust Lands Explained

Title to most of the tribal lands in the United States is held by the United States government in trust for the benefit of existing and future generations of tribal populations. The government has a responsibility under this trust in two broad areas: property oriented duties to protect tribal property and assets (natural resources such as water,...