I Said I Would Never Paint This Way Again: The Urban 5

I Said I Would Never Paint This Way Again: The Urban 5

Coming out in September 2014 is a new documentary that follows the stories of 5 American Indian artists who have formed a group known as the Urban Indian 5. Called, I Said I Would Never Paint This Way Again, the documentary started at a successful Kickstarter campaign in 2011 and received partial funding to aid...

Artist Spotlight: James Lavadour

Artist Spotlight: James Lavadour

Photo courtesy of: http://www.eastoregonian.com/ Born in 1951 to parents of Chinook, Walla Walla, German, Irish, and French Canadian descent, Lavadour grew up in Pendleton, Oregon on the Umatilla Indian Reservation. He discovered his love for art and painting as a child and was encouraged by his family to pursue his artwork. Primarily self-taught as an...